In the article, Vice Principal Mandy Edmond and Principal Dr Janet Rose explore the myriad of challenges overcome by Norland to secure the highest possible Gold award in the UK’s national Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) assessment of undergraduate student experience and outcomes.

While acknowledging that “TEF judgement day was momentous for Norland” having “received a Gold rating in each category and Gold overall”, Mandy and Janet reveal the particular difficulties faced by Norland as one of the smallest degree-awarding providers in the country (if not the world), especially given its specialist focus on educating and training graduate Norland Nannies.

Dr Janet Rose and Mandy Edmond, Principal and Vice Principal of Norland, sat on a bench
TEF Gold logo

“Norland is not compelled to participate in TEF because we have fewer than 500 students”, they explain, “we do so out of choice, because we believe in the quality of what we do and want to stand shoulder to shoulder with our colleagues within the HE sector. It was a risky choice to make and one that, on paper, should not have paid off. We thought you might be interested in our TEF tale.”

Read about the challenges behind Norland’s TEF Gold success on Wonkhe

Find out more about Norland’s TEF Gold award

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