Principal Dr Janet Rose and Norlander Julia Gaskell, who is Head of Careers and Consultancy, have accepted the title of Fellow to the prestigious Infant-Parent Mental Health Fellowship programme at the University of Massachusetts Boston.

As part of their fellowship, Janet and Julia will engage in an 18-month hybrid in-person and remote-learning training course, which includes six intensive weekend lectures on early years mental health development based in the US.

The Infant-Parent Mental Health fellowship aims to integrate innovative early years mental health research into the fellow’s current working environments.

Janet and Julia’s acceptance onto this exceptional and highly acclaimed fellowship will enable them to enhance Norland’s pioneering training with cutting-edge infant and early childhood mental health theory, research and practice. Exposure to the very latest knowledge in child mental health is essential for Norlanders’ work with children.

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Based in the Department of Psychiatry, Lifeline for Families Centre at the University of Massachusetts Boston, the programme is strategically designed to increase the quality of child mental health services provided by caregivers.

At the end of their course, Janet and Julia will be awarded a postgraduate certificate in Infant-Parent Mental Health from the university.

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