Norlander Ella shares her journey in Makaton and how she uses it as a nanny
28 August 2024
Norland Nanny Ella discusses how Makaton is an effective communication tool that is both fun and supports development in children.
Norlander Ella (Set 43) began using Makaton when working as a buddy for children through North Somerset Council, providing care for children and young people with additional needs aged 4-16, in 2016. Now, having completed her Level 1-4 Makaton training, she wishes to spread her knowledge of, and love for, this communication method and hopes to encourage others to learn.
Norland has always supported interested students with accessing Makaton training, including a signing choir that forms part of the Norland choir. From 2024-25, we are integrating Makaton training into the taught curriculum. Students will access an introduction to Makaton during a two-hour workshop in NC4205 Principles of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, led by Ali Makaton, a local trainer.
“If I were to choose the most effective communication tool that enhances the learning environment for children, it would be Makaton. It can be helpful for children or adults of any age, with individual or a combination of needs. My Makaton journey began in 2016, when I worked as a buddy for children and young people with additional needs many of whom used Makaton to communicate. It was then that I was able to witness how truly special Makaton is. The children in my care were able to express themselves independently, which meant that their frustration was eased, and preferences could be communicated. This was such an incredible moment to witness, and I knew there and then, that it was something I wanted to understand and become involved in.
“In my line of work as a nanny, I can now use Makaton with the little people in my care to support them to develop their communication, language, and literacy skills. Signing while speaking has been shown to encourage the development of communication and language skills and, as a caregiver, gives me a greater understanding of the wants and needs of the babies and children in my care, which can help to reduce frustration.
“As a way of using the signs I learnt on my Level 1 to 4 courses, I began to sign songs and stories to aid my development. I also used Makaton whilst I nannied. It was so lovely to see that the early exposure to signing, in conjunction with speech, led the little people in my care to develop enhanced verbal skills, something I felt honoured to help with.
“While there is a common misconception that Makaton hinders speech development, research has shown quite the opposite. Using signs and symbols alongside language actively encourages the development of speech and language skills and, as a caregiver, gives me a greater understanding of the wants and needs of the babies and children in my care, which can help to reduce frustration through improved communication.
“Whilst I use Makaton primarily as a nanny, this language programme can be learned and used by anyone. The research shows that if a parent or other caregiver introduces Makaton to the little ones in their care alongside language, their language skills will develop and their communication will be supported.
“There are so many fun ways to introduce signing with children. The best thing to do is to start simply, using signs which relate to the user”
“For example, if you are trying to introduce sign language to a baby, learning and incorporating some basic signs into your daily routine can be a great place to start. Words such as ‘milk’, ’more’ and ‘all done’ are common words to sign whilst you talk to your baby and, with time, your baby will be able to communicate their needs from this early age.
“During the Covid 19 pandemic, I started an Instagram account (@nannyellalynne) as a platform where I could share my love of Makaton and connect with others who felt this way. I started producing daily sign videos showing what I had learnt, hoping to inspire others and revise my knowledge. Since qualifying as a Norland Nanny, and with a new desire to make Makaton available and accessible to all, I have opened channels on YouTube and Tik Tok called @SignAlongWithElla, where I post short clips showing how to sign common words. This year, I will focus on creating more content including stories, songs, and phrases. If this is something that interests you, please take a look!
“If you are considering learning more about Makaton below are some websites that may help:
- SigningHandsUk on YouTube and Instagram
“Let’s continue to change the world one sign at a time!”