Harriet knew from a young age that she wanted to work with children. Nannying stood out to Harriet as it allowed her to build special one-to-one relationships with children and create nurturing environments that enabled them to thrive.

In her My Norland Story, Harriet discusses the special role of working within a family unit, the diverse academic and practical curriculum, the various careers outside of nannying that studying at Norland can open up, and the tight-knit community.

“I really wanted to become a nanny because I loved that one-on-one relationship you could build with children and you could create a really nurturing environment, sometimes in the home where that’s their number one base.

a female Norland Nanny in training
Two females sat in front of the Royal Crescent in Bath

“I just really like the idea of being able to work within a family unit and work together as a team to make the best possible experience for their children and, obviously, Norland offers a degree and the diploma which just makes it so much more unique.

“But ultimately I had a really, really amazing childhood and I just wanted to give that experience back to other children and their families and I thought where better to do that than at Norland.

“Reflecting on my three years at Norland, I have had the best time. I’ve had so much fun. Although I joined in first year with Covid, I wouldn’t have changed anything. My experience has just been amazing and I’ll be really sad to leave. The opportunities I’ve had so far have been amazing and I haven’t even graduated yet so I’m really excited to go into working in my dream job.”

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a female student in her formal uniform smiling

"I thought to myself, why would I do this anywhere else other than the best place in the world?"

Before joining Norland, Lizzie swapped a rural village in the Peak District with South Africa where she had the unique experience of volunteering in a prison school in Johannesburg. Since then, she’s gone on to fulfil her childhood ambition of studying at Norland.

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a male student in uniform smiling

“Norland is an investment in yourself.”

Matthew (Set 43) worked in a range of early years settings before enrolling at Norland as a mature student. In his My Norland Story, he explores student life and the opportunities available to Norlanders.

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a female student studying to become an early years practitioner sat on a wall smiling

"It's a door to so many other doors and opportunities. It's the next step in both my personal journey and my professional journey in being the best person I can be."

Having always wanted to work with children and considered training to become a teacher, Holly reflects on why she chose Norland and her time so far.

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"The Norland Agency has been wonderful ... I can totally see how it will be a lifelong place for me to find the right job."

"To me, nannying was especially appealing because of the personal bond I could have with the child that you can't get in every profession and also the relationship you can have with families is amazing and such a privilege to have."

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